Monday, September 22

Lying, cynical, divisive

The Economist, no bastion of leftism, tells it like it is:
The election has taken a nasty turn. This is mainly the Republicans’ fault

As recently as a few months ago, it seemed possible to hope that this year’s presidential election would be a civilised affair. Barack Obama and John McCain both represent much that is best about their respective parties. Mr Obama is intelligent, inspiring and appears by instinct to be a consensus-seeking pragmatist. John McCain has always stood for limited, principled government, and has distanced himself throughout his career from the religious ideologues that have warped Republicanism. An intelligent debate about issues of the utmost importance—how America should rebuild its standing in the world, how more Americans could share in the proceeds of growth—seemed an attainable proposition.

It doesn’t seem so now.
Read the rest. I was indeed hopeful a few months ago. I thought McCain had triumphed over this Rovian crap, but it seems the McCain of 2000 is dead. It's like a different person. I'm very disappointed.

My thinking had been to likely vote Dem this time around and hope that the GOP would become responsible conservatives by 2016 or even 2012. Now it looks like for the foreseeable future, I'll be with the Dems whenever they need my help against these cynical liars. And when they don't, I'll protest with the likes of Michael Badnarik, Bob Barr, or just writing in Ron Paul.

What has happened to the party of Goldwater? I hardly recognize it.

Until further notice, color me blue.

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