Saturday, September 27

Question from the bubble

Can Someone Please Explain This To Me? [Mark Hemingway]

A new Obama ad actually imagines a McCain victory and doesn't at all explain why that would be bad. Am I crazy or does it just make McCain look like a winner?

UPDATE: The headline is a tad sarcastic. Yes, obviously I understand it's to motivate his base but I was baffled by how the Obama camp doesn't seem to see the unintended meaning could easily overwhelm the intended meaning.

Ok I'll bite, the ad says:
"it doesn't have to be that way, vote for change"
It takes a far-right apparatchik like this Mark Hemingway to not understand why such a message helps Obama, particularly since it urges people to vote, and new voters favor Obama by wide margins...

Especially if that ad runs in a state that is more blue than red it will affect Obama's turnout for the better, which can make that state safer or give him more of a popular vote mandate.

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