Tuesday, September 30

More Hewitt fun

Sullivan comments that the questions are actually funnier than the answers, but there was one answer I liked:
Palin: there’s a lot of mocking of my personal faith, and my personal faith is very, very simple. I don’t belong to any church. I do have a strong belief in God, and I believe that I’m a heck of a lot better off putting my life in God’s hands, and saying hey, you know, guide me. What else do we have but guidance that we would seek from a Creator? That’s about as simple as it gets with my faith, and I think that there is a lot of mocking of that. And you know, so bet it, though I do have respect for those who have differing views than I do on faith, on religion. I’m not going to mock them, and I would hope that they would kind of I guess give me the same courtesy through this of not mocking a person’s faith, but maybe perhaps even trying to understand a little bit of it.
If that's truly the extent of Palin's faith, I have no problem with it. Like Coates, I surely want to understand what's going on here. That's part of why I began writing on them here 'Internets'.
Hewitt: Have you followed the attacks on you, say, via Drudge or the blogs? Some of them are just made up and out of left field, others are just mocking. Do you follow those?
Gasp! She's not looking at me, is she? Make it stop! ... I would like to take this moment to apologize to Sarah Palin for mocking her.

It has now been divinely revealed to me that Sarah is a Very Serious Candidate for the Vice Presidency and that I must endeavor to "show deference". Oh I'm sorry, not divinely revealed. That was actually McCain's campaign manager Rick Davis on Fox News Sunday. I get the two mixed-up sometimes.

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