Thursday, September 25

Sarah's former support

Remember when Ross Douthat floated Palin's name for VP in May and at the end of August? And then wrote a cover story for National Review?

He just posted:
an excerpt from my inner monologue, as transcribed while watching various clips from Sarah Palin's interview with Katie Couric (I can't link to them; they're too painful):
"And that, Douthat, is why nobody's ever going to hire you to help pick their running mate."
But hey, maybe it's all just effing brilliant rope-a-dope for the Biden debate ....
I don't think I can offer odds on that .... I may link to the Couric interview when I'm done being at a loss for words.

Sullivan cites Rod Dreher:
Couric's questions are straightforward and responsible. Palin is mediocre, again, regurgitating talking points mechanically, not thinking. Palin's just babbling. She makes George W. Bush sound like Cicero.
He was in love with her last week.

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