Thursday, March 12

Replacement trickle-down

Now that Douthat succeeds Kristol at the Times, who will replace Douthat at the Atlantic?

Wilkinson proposes:

I’ve always thought the carnival of erudition that is Reihan’s mind deserves a more prominent showcase, which is why I dearly hope the Atlantic will do the natural thing and hand Ross’s blog over Reihan. The blog would be sort of the same but completely different all at the same time.

Andrew adds:

There's Conor too. And Suderman. And Poulos. And Jacobs. And many others given a chance by the American Scene and Culture 11 and the blogosphere. I'm just glad I work at a place which has given these new voices a platform, and has done more already to blow some air at some dying conservative embers than much of establishment conservatism.

While it would be very interesting to see Conor with a larger platform than TAS and the late Culture11, I think he may be too similar to Andrew himself (who he also interned with).

Suderman is dating Megan so it would be odd to see them putting their eggs in one basket and writing as cohabitating coworkers.

I think that leaves Reihan and Poulos in the running.

Larison and Dreher's existing perches aren't quite as high, but high and visible enough that it would be odd to see them moving to the Atlantic unless they really love the place.

A darker horse is probably someone formerly of NRO. Jim Manzi is already with the Atlantic Business blog, hmm. I suppose Yuval Levin could make it, but my ideal choice is Ramesh Ponuru.

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