Sunday, March 29

Set phasers to "OohRah!"

Photo: Northrop Grumman
Ok they're not really phasers, but still:
(WIRED) Military Laser Hits Battlefield Strength

Huge news for real-life ray guns: Electric lasers have hit battlefield strength for the first time -- paving the way for energy weapons to go to war.

In recent test-blasts, Pentagon-researchers at Northrop Grumman managed to get 105 kilowatts of power out of their laser -- past the "100kW threshold [that] has been viewed traditionally as a proof of principle for 'weapons grade' power levels for high-energy lasers,"
TMV thinks it through:
So is this really “great news” for us? Opponents of military force may not think so, but lasers should have some distinct advantages in combat. Even for pacifists, one of the chief complaints regarding combat operations is the potential for collateral damage. (Read as: blowing up civilians) The general goal has been for “laser accuracy” with smart munitions. Well, here you have it. There’s nothing more laser accurate than an actual laser. Burning a hole in a target should generally produce less unintended consequences than blowing something up.
As a bonus, I reckon neocon hawks and their ilk will need to find something other than bombs to satisfy their testosterone urges.

Perhaps we could build them a holodeck with virtual bat'leths ?

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