Monday, March 30

The politics of medical marijuana

Rob Kampia, president of the Marijuana Policy Project, is interviewed in today's Cato Daily Podcast at the right. (Update: won't show in reader, so you'll have to load the page)

At the end they mention a policy forum on The Politics and Science of Medical Marijuana (video)

Somewhat relatedly, last month Yglesias snarked on the polling of legalizing all marijuana plotted alongside the approval ratings of various Republicans:

Needless to say, support for marijuana legalization is pretty much a “fringe” view in national politics. And it certainly doesn’t have majority support. And yet put it in perspective and this is what you get.
Update: For some other "fringe" views, only 17% of Americans think abortion should be strictly illegal. 33% support overturning Roe v. Wade.

1 comment:

  1. "Needless to say, support for marijuana legalization is pretty much a “fringe” view in national politics."

    True, although support seems to be growing. Those of us that favor legalization of all drugs are the tiny edge of the pro-pot fringe.


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