Saturday, March 14

Interpreting reality

I was reading some wingnuts reactions to David Brooks being the Obama administration's favorite columnist, and noticed these quotes featured on the left under "The Audacity of Truth -- Obama Files":
"“The stakes are too high and the challenges are too great to play the same old Washington games with the same old Washington players and the same old lack of results." -BO, 2/17/08

The recent back-and-forth with Rush Limbaugh, [...] was explicitly authorized by [senior advisor David] Axelrod, who told aides that it was not a moment to sit quietly after Mr. Limbaugh said he hoped that Mr. Obama would "fail." -NYT, 3/9/09
Apparently responding to the right's chief media personality who wants the president to fail means that the Obama administration is deliberately playing the same old Washington games with the same old Washington players. Is it Obama's fault that Limbaughites want him to fail? Because that's the wingnut logic for ya.

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