Friday, January 23

What makes a liberal?

Forbes assembles a list of the 25 most influential liberals in the U.S. media:
Broadly, a "liberal' subscribes to some or all of the following: progressive income taxation; universal health care of some kind; opposition to the war in Iraq, and a certain queasiness about the war on terror; an instinctive preference for international diplomacy; the right to gay marriage; a woman's right to an abortion; environmentalism in some Kyoto Protocol-friendly form; and a rejection of the McCain-Palin ticket.
Well if that's all it takes I got 6/8. I have no problem thinking of myself as a liberal in the classical sense, I'm just no leftist. I advocate a flat tax and would gradually kill all government involvement in health care and other services.

Andrew Sullivan clocks in at #19:
Senior editor, The Atlantic The Daily Dish

A granddaddy of Washington blogging and a former editor of The New Republic, he clings unconvincingly to the "conservative" label even after his fervent endorsement of Obama. His advocacy for gay marriage rights and his tendency to view virtually everything through a "gay" prism puts him at odds with many on the right.
I guess that's what happens when "many on the right" are illiberal fascist corporatists...

Update: his take, with much more detail


  1. Gherald!! Just yesterday I was wishing you would hyperlink your Culture11 name/profile so I could see "who you are" and also drop in on YOU from time to time. Wish answered!! (And I just responded, partially, to your global citizen comment on Ladyblog.)

  2. Oi, well I'm flattered -- linky for if anyone's curious.


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