Thursday, January 29

More on Bush's big-government disaster

Reason beats the horse some more:

Now that George W. Bush has finally left office, here's a challenge to a nation famous for its proud tradition of invention: Can somebody invent a machine capable of fully measuring the disaster that was the Bush presidency?

Yes, yes, I know that attitudes towards presidencies are volatile. Harry Truman was hated when he left office and look at him now; he's so highly regarded that President Bush thought of him as a role model. There are, I'm sure, still a few William Henry Harrison dead-enders around, convinced that the 31 days the broken-down old general spent as president will someday receive the full glory they deserve.

In a way that was inconceivable when he took office, Bush—the advance man for the "ownership society," smaller and more trustworthy government, and a humble foreign policy—increased the size and scope of the federal government to unprecedented levels. At the same time, he constantly flashed signs of secrecy, duplicity, ineffectiveness and outright incompetence.


Basically Bush, like the Republicans under him, preached low taxes and small-government while actually governing largely and incompetently, but in the name of "small-government" conservatism. With this he's accomplished an impressively bad trifecta:

1) Bigger government
2) Manifestly incompetent governance
3) Greatly harming the good name of small-government conservatism

Best case scenario for the country, Obama's Democrats only accomplish #1. Worser case they also accomplish a bit of #3 because they give big-government a better name by running the country more competently than Bush's purported "small government" .

(Free advice: if you must have a bigger government, get Democrats to run it instead of Republicans. They know how to do it with some effectiveness because the people they appoint are relatively intelligent "public servants" rather than party hacks who are philosophically against doing their own damn jobs effectively.)

Worst case scenario for the country is Democrats actually manage to do #2 instead of #3. And this bad scenario is the only one that helps the right's electoral prospects.

What a terrible pickle Bush Republicanism has left us in.

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