Wednesday, January 28

Now you tell us

TPM: Republican National Comittee members decide they no longer like President Bush, just in time for his no longer being president anymore.

Sigh. Mostly lockstep support for 8 years, but now:
As they begin meeting in Washington today, many members of the Republican National Committee are focusing their ire against what they considered George W. Bush's anti-conservative policies and trying to dump the man he tapped to run the GOP.
They're right, Bush represents an abandonment of the Goldwater-Reagan conservatism I'd like to support again. But for them to come out and say so now after he's done all this damage to the conservative cause is immensely frustrating. The GOP has no credibility with the public at this late hour. It's become the party of the Bush-Cheney-Palin axis, and it will take a decade to recover from that image.

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