Tuesday, June 30

"Thanks for Sharing, Governor. Now Shut Up."

Kathy Kattenburg deadpans:
Gov. Mark Sanford and Maria Belen Chapur slept with each other more times than he had previously said. Actually, if he’s going to be honest, she is his soul mate. He does promise, though, that he will try to “fall back in love” with his wife.

One other thing, as long as he’s talking. He has had “a handful” of other relationships with women who were not his wife. These relationships “crossed lines” but did not include sex.

That could change, though.
In calling for everyone to shut up and leave Mark Sanford's personal life alone, it seems I underestimated the degree to which he's willing to discuss it publicly. It's difficult to give someone privacy when they're shouting their relationship history from the rooftops--seems the man is stupider than I thought.

The best interpretation I can think of is that speaking of relationships that "crossed lines" is his idea of preemptive damage control, so he doesn't get blindsided by new revelations from whoever else he fooled around with.

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