Thursday, November 6

Say it loud, say it proud.

To make the point myself, remember these names?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)

Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ)

John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK)

Richard Milhous Nixon

George Herbert Walker Bush

William Jefferson Clinton

George Walker Bush (GWB)
Well, the President-elect has his own full name, Barack Hussein Obama.

We didn't dare speak it to loudly during the primary and election, lest it further alienate bigots, but we can do so now.

I'm going to try Loury's idea of -- when using both first and last name -- to also proudly include the middle name.

Say it with me folks: Barack Hussein Obama. Let's not give the bigots any more quarter, and let's politely correct Obama supporters if they continue to think using his full name is disparaging.

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