Saturday, November 1

Sarah Palin prank called

A Canadian shock jock convinces Sarah Palin that she's speaking with French President Nicolas Sarkozy:

Wow, just wow, there's no suspicion in her voice, she thinks she's talking to a real foreign head of government. Damn. It's inconceivable that this lady could ever be President.

Here's Klein:
It's fascinating hearing Palin fall onto sound bites in real time. You have to admire the sort of message discipline that connects the career of Carla Bruni to the second wind of of late campaign tightening. But if she jabs her sound bites in with surprising efficiency, Palin doesn't manage to ask a single question during the whole conversation. She's fully reactive -- starstruck by Sarkozy's call, but nevertheless incurious about anything he could possibly tell her.

Meanwhile that's one seriously incompetent staff she's got. No one thought to call the French Embassy and check this out?

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