Saturday, May 2

Link blag

Contrary to popular belief, the Iraq war continues, and it's deadly.

In 1994, five House Democrats and two Senate Democrats switched to the Republican Party. So Specter may not be the only one who wants to jump ship. But more switches are less likely now, because Obama was elected in the second of two wave years, which already ousted many Republicans in moderate districts.

Obama's SCOTUS nominee is likely to be as liberal as David Souter on social issues, so social conservatives won't miss a thing. But Souter was more moderate on business issues, so his replacement is likely to be worse for economic freedoms.

Photos of a Russian nuclear power plant.

New Hampshire, the matriarchy up North? (Fine, as long as they don't get snake-headed whips...)

Daily Beast: Islam issues sex licenses.

Overcoming Bias: Female orgasms are a screening mechanism? Study shows how lust makes one generous.

(video) Song Hye Kyo's McDonald ice-cream ad.

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