Wednesday, May 13

Too big to fail

Clever use of the phrase.

Man-made global warming is a fact—and one I must always preemptively emphasize because of all the know-nothings still in denial.

However, being a Dysonist I'm quite skeptical of all the doomsday predictions—I don't think we're anywhere close to having conclusive evidence that the planet is in danger of "failing", given how warm it has been in past periods.

Furthermore, I don't think there's much we can do to stop warming. Even the most efficient carbon tax system imaginable isn't going to put much of a dent in our emissions, especially given all the developing economies across the world.

But, I do think a non-burdensome carbon tax would be useful to price this negative externality and encourage the market to produce efficient technologies. It'll surely be far more effective than subsidizing asinine boondoggles like ethanol biofuel.

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