NYT: some banks want to return government money.
Excellent. That's exactly how it should be. Stop freeloading on the taxpayers: if you can get along fine on your own and keep your cushy seven figure bonuses then by all means do it.
Drezner: Bad things are happening in East Asia, but cut the schadenfreude. Their problems interlock with ours and we need to work together on this.
Ambinder: State secret legislation has been reintroduced. (It's nice to occasionally be proud of my state's Senator)
LA Times: Solicitor general nominee says enemy combatants can be held without trial and has a pernicious view of what constitutes an "enemy combatant". Ugh.
Will Wilkinson posts about missing the point of libertarianism. I'm with Will on this, as usual.
Pentagon plans to start migrant flights to Guantanamo this weekend
This would make good on the president’s promise to use the base as a
detainment facility.
55 minutes ago