Wednesday, April 8

Rightosphere reactions to piracy

Hot Air:
The Somali pirates have operated in this region for a few years. Thus far, the world has seemed disinclined to put pressure on the pirates of Aden Gulf, despite the headlines they have grabbed lately. The US Navy now has an entree into the fight, and it will be interesting to see how the Obama administration reacts. The US has downlook satellites and a treasure trove of assets with which they can track down the Maersk Alabama and its crew.

Will Obama use that to send the pirates a message about attacking American shipping? Or will this be a “new chance for dialogue”?
Somali pirates have decided that it is great time to capture an American flagged ship crewed by our citizens.

Naturally, I have a few questions.

Why has this not happened before? Why were these pirates not deterred by the prospects of a response from the United States Navy (the very first mission of which was to stop piracy from Africa)? What will our president do about it?

This is a far more important moment for Barack Obama than the news media, judging by the lack of coverage on cable news this morning, believes it to be.
NRO's Corner:

Somali pirates have hijacked an American-flagged ship, taking hostage at least 20 Americans and their cargo — aid they were were trying to provide to the distressed Muslim people of Mombassa, Kenya. As Somali pirates have been terrorizing ships on the high seas for months now, TigerHawk is wondering why U.S. vessels haven't been seized before now, and what our new commander-in-chief proposes to do about it.

Oh my godz! O Noes!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

American Merchant Sailors : Not Waiting on Obama’s Help, Take Back Ship From Pirates

How DARE they use self-reliance! Have they no faith in the Obamassiah?

Americans taking care of themselves, without Obama’s government coming to the rescue. Does……. not…… compute. Does……. not…… compute.
Oh I'm so sorry, did someone need to score political points first?

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