Reihan highlights Obama's remarkable interview with David Leonhardt, an economics columnist for the Times.
That we've gone from Frat Boy in Chief to someone with this level of understanding is still, to me, a wondrous thing. I also find it disarming—it's difficult to rail against the deficit spending of someone so much smarter, well-informed, and articulate than I am.
I remain committed to my libertarian heuristic of opposing state interventionism. But seeing as people are demanding it, I'm hard pressed to come up with someone who'd be better suited to heading such intervention.
However, this is the very problem with larger governments—effectiveness depends on the quality of technocrats at the top. Reliance on the capability of present-day leadership is unwise, for that leadership will change. What happens when we elect a George W. Palin ignoramus in 2016 or beyond to manage Obama's forays into social democracy, regulation, and interventionism? Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!
Anywho, be sure to read the interview.
Update: Andrew has other reactions.
I've posted this link (particularly your write-up about it, too) to several people on facebook. Love the article.