Thursday, April 30

Grand New Party

Nate Silver:
Per the LOESS curves, the number of Republicans has decreased by about 5 percent since Inauguration Day, from roughly 27 percent to 22 percent. The number of Democrats has also decreased slightly, however, from 38 percent to 35-36 percent. The gains have been made by independents, whose numbers have increased from 30 percent to about 36 percent, such that there are now roughly equal numbers of independents and Democrats.
What say we forget about that 22 percent rump and start a new party of pragmatic centrists? C'mon, who's with me?


  1. i'm in. let's start a conversation on what to name it!


    Commonwealth Party
    Independence Party
    Liberty Party
    Constitution Party

  2. There's already a Constitution Party; it's a bunch of theocrats. Commonwealth and Independence have some connotations that could be unhelpful. (if we were speaking of an already-established party they'd be fine, but not so great for starting a new one, I think.)

    Of those, Liberty Party would be my favorite. Maybe we could find a way to identify it with classical liberalism.

    What about just "Center Party" ? Simple and casts as wide a net as possible, with the message basically being that wingnuts need not apply.

  3. Liberty Party seems good to me. Center Party seems way too wishy-washy to me. Center as relative to what? How about the Nojeebus Party :)


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