Monday, April 13

Glenn Beck 9/12 tea party transcript

As best I could understand it:
...this didn't happen overnight.

In the early 50's our country was infiltrated by the Communist Party.

They infiltrated our school system, our higher education system, our government, and our businesses.

This is a 50 year plan that's come to culmination right now.

This is not something that just happened since Obama.

George Soros is the money man behind Barack Obama.  

Now I say it, I know it, I'm in the marketing business.

George Soros is the man who put this plan together.  Obama is a puppet for this guy.

The American people have been duped.

Our media will not tell the truth. Will not do it.

The Fox Network is the only one that will. Now I can't even get Fox to come down here in a Fox meeting. I can't bring a reporter down here. So that shows you where the media is at. They're not on our side.

Marketing got us into this mess, and marketing will get us out of this mess.

Now this fellow over here talks about the Constitution party. No marketing. No marketing. The Libertarian guy is talking about his party. No marketing. Marketing got us into this mess. Obama's marketing is local. They're using brainwash techniques. They're doing everything they can to brainwash our public right now.

This thing they're putting on our TVs, it's a brainwash unit. 17 million people are going to be brainwashed by this thing when you hook it up to your TV tube.

Why do you think Obama wanted to wait until June to put this thing in here? It's a brainwash device. They were using that in the federal government in the early 60s. Now they're using it against us.

If we don't get serious about this, we're going to perish. We gotta get serious.

This is not the time... we don't have any time.

This guy....the only thing that's going to drive this guy out of office is the unemployment rate skyrocketing. When people don't have food on their table, these there..trying to do with the federal government ain't going to work, ain't going to work. He's going to have to take our money.

I'm not paying taxes anymore. I'm not doing it. You want to fight them? I'm not paying taxes anymore. I quit. I told my accountant..I quit.

I'll tell you another thing...If you got kids in school, if you got them in college, get them the hell out of college, they're brainwashing them.

[ Various women: Burn the books! They're brainwashing the kids! Or give them a firm foundation before they go!]

Well you can do that, but if you send them off to college these professors brainwash these kids.

[Man: I don't think you were serious about that, burn all the books?]

[Woman: I am too. The ones in college, those brainwashing books.]

[Man: The brainwashing books? Which ones are those?

[Woman: Like the evolution crap, and, yeah...]

[Man: All right.]

Understand, we've got an enemy here, this is a battle for our survival. This is not just an election.
Yes, evolution books are brainwashing kids with science...what does one say to this kind of nonsense? I'll leave it to Paul Krugman:
...Republicans have become embarrassing to watch. And it doesn’t feel right to make fun of crazy people. Better, perhaps, to focus on the real policy debates, which are all among Democrats.

But here’s the thing: the G.O.P. looked as crazy 10 or 15 years ago as it does now. That didn’t stop Republicans from taking control of both Congress and the White House. And they could return to power if the Democrats stumble. So it behooves us to look closely at the state of what is, after all, one of our nation’s two great political parties.

One way to get a good sense of the current state of the G.O.P., and also to see how little has really changed, is to look at the “tea parties” that have been held in a number of places already, and will be held across the country on Wednesday. These parties — antitaxation demonstrations that are supposed to evoke the memory of the Boston Tea Party and the American Revolution — have been the subject of considerable mockery, and rightly so.

But everything that critics mock about these parties has long been standard practice within the Republican Party.

Thus, President Obama is being called a “socialist” who seeks to destroy capitalism. Why? Because he wants to raise the tax rate on the highest-income Americans back to, um, about 10 percentage points less than it was for most of the Reagan administration. Bizarre.

But the charge of socialism is being thrown around only because “liberal” doesn’t seem to carry the punch it used to. And if you go back just a few years, you find top Republican figures making equally bizarre claims about what liberals were up to. Remember when Karl Rove declared that liberals wanted to offer “therapy and understanding” to the 9/11 terrorists?

Then there are the claims made at some recent tea-party events that Mr. Obama wasn’t born in America, which follow on earlier claims that he is a secret Muslim. Crazy stuff — but nowhere near as crazy as the claims, during the last Democratic administration, that the Clintons were murderers, claims that were supported by a campaign of innuendo on the part of big-league conservative media outlets and figures, especially Rush Limbaugh.

Speaking of Mr. Limbaugh: the most impressive thing about his role right now is the fealty he is able to demand from the rest of the right. The abject apologies he has extracted from Republican politicians who briefly dared to criticize him have been right out of Stalinist show trials. But while it’s new to have a talk-radio host in that role, ferocious party discipline has been the norm since the 1990s, when Tom DeLay, the House majority leader, became known as “The Hammer” in part because of the way he took political retribution on opponents.

Going back to those tea parties, Mr. DeLay, a fierce opponent of the theory of evolution — he famously suggested that the teaching of evolution led to the Columbine school massacre — also foreshadowed the denunciations of evolution that have emerged at some of the parties.
Update: Seems Krugman is pretty loose with the facts

1 comment:

  1. Glen Beck is a lunatic. It's like he's playing some sort of character.


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