Thursday, April 2

George Will's falsehoods

February 15: strike one

February 27: strike two

April 2: strike three

Plus a prior history from before I read him regularly.

He has good insights on other topics (such as Sarah Palin), but these climate falsehoods have gone too far.  I must protest, you can't go around spreading these kind of untruths and get away with it -- especially in a major newspaper that's supposed to, you know, check facts and post corrections.

For sane heresy on climate change, I'll recycle my own post:
(meme) NYT has a lengthy profile of the eminent physicist Freeman Dyson, noted global warming skeptic.

Glancing through the Wikipedia entry I think his views on the reality of climate change are quite reasonable and find myself agreeing with the bulk of what's presented.

If they make him a heretic, I guess I am one too.

1 comment:

  1. I just had a climate change argument with my father, who said almost the same thing as Will. I asked him: "If you buy a stock planning to hold it for 10 years, does it matter much whether it's down today if it rises 40% after 10 years?"


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