President Barack Obama has catapulted past the Dalai Lama as the most respected world leader among West Europeans and Americans, according to a poll released Friday.Woooo, we got France! *cue conservative snark*
It was Obama's first appearance in the bimonthly survey, "World Leaders," which was first conducted in November by Harris Interactive for the International Herald Tribune and the all-news television channel France 24. Obama was sworn in on Jan. 20.
His ratings contrast sharply with those of his predecessor, George W. Bush, whose Republican Party was routed in the U.S. elections in November. Earlier results indicated that Bush was considered powerful but was not respected. The new survey shows Obama as the No. 1 world leader on both fronts.
The shift was dramatic across the board, with the smallest change occurring in the United States, where 34 percent held a very good or somewhat good opinion of Bush.
Now, 71 percent hold a very good or somewhat good view of Obama. The shift was largest in France, where Bush was viewed favorably by 5 percent of the populace, compared with 88 percent for Obama.

(from the PDF)
Doing a little math, his popularity/influence average is 137% of the Dalai Lama's and 157% of the Pope's.
Welcome to the cult of competency, folks. It sure helps to be contrasted with President Bush.
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