Friday, February 6

Newt praises the Republican rump

Front matter: I'm not excited about the stimulus either, but I knew what I was getting when I cast my vote in November, and so did the rest of that 53% of Americans. And the stimulus is polling fairly well -- people want it.

I seldom think government spending on things other than basic security and infrastructure is a good idea. But if we must deficit spend -- and you know Democrats have been waiting years to dish out pork to their favorite interest groups as Republicans did during their own time in power -- then we may as well do it counter-cyclically. The Fed's benchmark rates are practically zero, sheesh.

But here's Newt Gingrich:
"What has happened in the past two weeks has absolutely revitalized the Republican base in this country, because they looked up and saw all of the House Republicans collectively having the guts to vote no and thought 'Finally we're back.' And overnight, it changed the tone of the Republican Party."
If I were a Republican member of the House, my vote would also be no on principle.

However, contra Newt I don't think zero members of the party voting for the stimulus is something to be proud of.

What it means is all the centrist moderates from purple areas have been wiped out and replaced with Democrats. We've been left with a very high proportion of Southern ultraconservatives who can be counted on to vote in lockstep.

Remember what the new RNC chairman Steele said: "We have to elect moderates in the party." Do that, Newt. Become a tolerant Big Tent party again, so you have enough diversity to not vote unanimously together. Then you'll be "revitalized". What you are right now is a rump.

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