Friday, February 6

Let it die, Andrew, let it die.

In a post originally titled "The odd lies of Sarah Palin, ctd." Andrew says:

I've given up counting, but I should note that none of her defenders on the right have really dealt with the documented fact of her repeated self-refutations and delusional assertions of "facts" that are indisputably non-facts. Her unstable grip on reality, taken for granted in Alaska, is the reason many of us simply do not believe a word she says unless we have actual evidence for it. Anyway, the latest trivial evidence that she just makes shit up as she goes along comes from Esquire:

Former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin says her daughter's comes from Bristol, Conn., home of the sports network ESPN. Palin tells Esquire magazine that when she was in high school, she wanted to be a sportscaster and was disappointed to learn where ESPN was located. The Alaska governor says Connecticut was too far away. So instead, she says, she named her daughter Bristol.

You may recall:

Palin said the eldest girl was named after Bristol Bay, where the family fishes.

[Correction: I should have read the full Esquire excerpt rather than the Courant summary of it. In the actual interview, she gives all three reasons for Bristol's name. So no contradiction. My bad.]

[Update: on the other hand, many readers have written to say that Palin was highly unlikely to have known of ESPN in high school. It was only founded in 1979 and became widely known only in 1982.]

Ah, failure to do due diligence...not good for one's reputation for objectivity. But hey,the blogosphere is fast-paced and Andrew blogs at a crazy rate.

Here's Riehl World View:
Good Lord. Congress is preparing to spend almost a trillion dollars and what is that great conservative mind of Sullivan's on about? His latest misguided attack on Sarah Palin, which he promptly has to retract - and then try to qualify. She was a jock, you moron. She most likely knew of ESPN even before it was officially launched, as did many from advanced PR.
I don't know, but I think Palin is only newsworthy at this point when some Republicans demonstrate that they (shamefully) continue to embrace her.

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