Monday, August 3

Government takeover watch

(meme) Here's some pretty clear-cut evidence that the public insurance option is a first step towards single-player:

This video at first fear-mongers by first showing clips of Obama talking about transitioning away from the employer-based system, and then advocating universal coverage.

Ending employer-based health insurance is an idea I support--as long as it's done by moving to an individual market. This could be accomplished by opening health insurance exchanges to all (like the Wyden-Bennett bill) or something like the Dutch model. And universal coverage is achievable with vouchers or refundable tax credits for low-income earners. Neither of these clips necessarily bears on a government takeover of health insurance.

But the later clips are clear: Obama believes single-payer would be ideal. Barney Frank and another Democrat talk about the public option being a first step that will lead to single-payer.

So of course insurance companies are lobbying like crazy and making financial contributions to Blue Dogs and other moderate Democrats to prevent a public option. It's not just about market share, though that would be reason enough. Their very survival is at stake.

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