Tuesday, July 21

Faux persecution

Chart is of U.S. religions by number of adherents.

The most striking example I can think of was after directing a white evangelical to this hilzoy post on gay marriage and being a "public Christian". I've posted the reply a couple times already, but here it is again:
You have missed it again! And you will continue to miss it. This policy will set up a nazi like behavior towards Christians and other religious groups. We never killed gays or imprisoned them for private behavior but this will now move step by step to deny religious freedom. It will move to jail and finally planned extermination. One right of both Christians and probably other groups as well will be taken away. It will start that we can't discriminate against gays and then it will move for other reasons that seem logical to the secular mind. It isn't a gay thing but rather it is a light versus darkness thing. It started in earnest in the Thirties and it has continued. Abortion was a baby step and this will be another in its plan. We will be discriminated against continually like the last 40 years and it will get worse. This is a collision course towards the policies of the Roman Empire and the Communist era of Stalin. But behind it all is not a human face or agenda. You can't see it because you have lost yourself in this world's agenda and are now blind.
It reads like satire, but so far as I can tell he actually believes this.

It would hardly be fair to paint most Christians as being this loony.  But this is the flavor I was raised under and also that seems to have the most traction in Republican politics (despite the obvious dissonance with their "moral majority" rhetoric) so I have a particular interest in denouncing it.


  1. Yeah, my upbringing was like that too. Ah, but the genius of the persecution complex is that you can dismiss all criticism of yourself becaues the critics are persecutors! Nice little trick, very popular among fascists and Christianists alike.

  2. The important thing to note is that the graph is of US only. Put up a world graph and the difference will be striking. We live in a global village, not the US only.

  3. World graph here, but for this post the universe of discourse was just this country; other places are different of course.


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