Sunday, December 28

On scientific engagement & welcoming disagreement

Gibbs: Obama "Wants And Expects" Disagreement Within His Administration
In an interview with ABC News, incoming White House press secretary Robert Gibbs responded to the idea that Obama's politically diverse cabinet could lead to serious internal divisions. "I think the far greater risk is assembling a group of people that whenever the president opens their mouth they all nod their heads in agreement," said Gibbs, adding that Obama "wants and expects there to be disagreement within that room," with Obama making the final decisions.
Isn't it nice having an adult in charge?

Why, just the other day:
"My administration will value science," Obama said, in what sounded like a pointed reference to his predecessor. "We will make decisions based on facts."
Of course the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Let's hope it's as delicious as advertised.

As you may recall, the last one didn't turn out that way. Remember this guy?

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