Monday, December 29

It's actually not about denying marriage, it's about denying love

Prop 8’s real purpose? Denying the possibility of homosexual love.

This makes a lot of sense. Speaking as a former fundie, I can tell you with certainty that 10 years ago I would have claimed: "Homosexuals don't really love each other, it's just a sinful lust of the flesh!". And I was 100% convinced this claim was true.

But now that I've met gay people like Mr. Rodriguez who've lived with their partner for 30 years and well and truly love each other, I realize how terribly wrong I was.

Religious fundamentalists will not admit this. They are terrified of a society which openly acknowledges the genuineness of homosexual love. You need look no further than the repression of gays in the most insular Islamist societies to understand this sad reality.

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