Saturday, April 4

Fisking the Republicanist id

2004 Map of Jesusland, featuring Alberta.
Leigh Patrick Sullivan lives in Alberta, but that doesn't stop him from having a conversation with the Gipper:
Ronald Reagan: Hello my friend. I’m glad you could join me today.
Moderate Seperatist: Mr. President! It is an honor, sir!
RR: Please, call me Ron. Care for something?
MS: No sir, I’m fine. What brings you here?
RR: Actually, you came to me. I’m glad, since I’d like to find out how things are back home.
MS: Sure. First, the wars.
RR: The Soviets are back?
MS: No, sir…well, kind of, but…
RR: Then who?
MS: You know of the 9/11 attacks…
[First things first, have to make sure we're on the same page]
RR: Of course.
MS: …and that America sent troops into Afghanistan and Iraq…
RR: Yes. How is that going? Have we won yet?
At least he didn't ask if we were "winning", with no particular end in sight...
MS: Well, sir, we are winning in Iraq. Not that the American people would know that, given the lack of media coverage.
Had to answer with the "winning", though. The "winning" will continue!
RR: Same old media, I see. America starts winning and they clam up.
MS: Yes sir.
Republicanism 101: always blame the free press
...As far as Afghanistan, the American and Allied forces have been engaged in some tough slugging, but we are hopeful.
RR: Excellent news! The president is putting that effort at the forefront, I assume.
MS: Well, President Obama – the first Black president, by the way - has announced an increase in forces, but it’s less than what military experts say is needed.
RR: I know Afghanistan well. The Soviets were in tough back in the day.
MS: Yes, and with the enemy being religious zealots, it isn’t any easier for us now.
RR: As I said to The Duke the other day, Americans always rise up to a challenge, but it will ultimately be up to the Afghani people to determine their own destiny, just like the Eastern Europeans trapped behind the Iron Curtain did.
MS: That’s my thinking. Switching to the economy…
RR: I assume that after I left things continued to be stable for America.
MS: Actually, Mr., Ron, we are in the middle of some real trouble right now.
RR: Really? What’s going on?
MS: There is a global recession going on. Unemployment is skyrocketing, businesses are suffering, the dollar is treading water, there’s talk of a global currency….
We surely can't let an opportunity to spread discredited conspiracy theories to a dead president go to waste!
RR: Good Lord! Tell me Obama is a Republican.
MS: No, sir. A Democrat. A leftwing Democrat, actually.
RR: (sighs) I warned them. Go on.
MS: President Obama came into office on the promise to fix the situation and save not only jobs, but the American way of life.
RR: Well, that’s good! Tell me, what steps has he taken? Cutting taxes, increasing trade, and cutting the fat, I assume.
Had to figure the Gipper himself would be stuck in the eighties
MS: …um, not really. First, he pushed through a $700+ billion bailout package…
RR: That’s a good one. Very funny!
MS: It’s not a joke, Ron.
RR: What a horrible move. Tell me that there were checks and balances in place to make sure the money was used properly.
MS: Actually, the public went ballistic when it was revealed that one of the recipients, AIG, used the money for executive bonuses.
Three cheers for irrational populist prejudice
RR: Unbelievable. What did they think was going to happen?
MS: Then there’s the little matter of the automakers.
RR: I assume they are feeling the heat from the downturn.
MS: Yes, sir. GM and Chrysler had restructuring plans, and both were rejected by the President.
RR: …and so he instructed the CEO’s to come back with a better plan, yes?
MS: Sort of. He demanded that GM’s CEO be fired.
RR: So who’s running General Motors?
MS: The President.
RR: You have a horrible sense of humor.
MS: I wish it was a joke, sir.
RR: Are you telling me that the American government is now in the business of being in business?
MS: It looks that way.
Here we agree, but the restructuring will continue!
RR: I don’t believe it. America is transforming into a socialist state.
MS: That’s the fear, Ron.
Yes, that's the fear.  Now how about the reality?
RR: I’m glad I didn’t live to see that.
MS: There is hope, however.
RR: The American people!
MS: Yes sir. A phenomenon is occurring. The economic situation and the subsequent bailouts, along with a wave of mistrust in the government, has spawned groups of Americans to hold Tea Parties across the land.
Too bad nobody cares
RR: I’m not surprised. If there is one lasting, unbreakable strength, it is the spirit of the American people. You must be proud!
MS: Absolutely! Of course, I’m a Canadian….
RR: So you know all about the dangers of socialism, then.
MS: All too well, Ron.
RR: Have you attempted to warn your American friends?
MS: I try, Ron. I try. But, as you often said, sometimes I feel that I am speaking to ears that won’t listen.
Gee, I wonder why?


  1. Thanks for the free pub., but next time could your comments be related to the actual article? ...and with some truthful substance?

    There is a difference between not agreeing and labelling something as 'discredited', especially the 'global dollar' idea that was still being pushed by Russia, India, and China (among others) as recent as this past Friday.

    (...and refering to me as a 'republican' is an indication that you haven't bothered to spend any time on my site other than the forementioned article).

  2. I thought I linked to some relevant counter-views. Sorry if you don't think so..*shrug*

    > the 'global dollar' idea that was still being pushed by Russia, India, and China (among others)

    Well they can push whatever they want, but the U.S. is only interested in using SDRs as an international reserve currency, which has caused some Republicans to go batshit crazy.

    I didn't label you as a Republican and have no particular interest in your views; I just thought your mock conversation was representative of how some Republicans I know fantasize about Reagan, so I used it. Thanks for the source material.


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